About The Company

The Company Christian Fellowship is led by Joel & Ana Maria Kilpatrick who have devoted their lives to prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4), and are building a prayer movement and prophetic community in Westlake Village. The pillars of the movement are Friendship with God • Depth in the Word • A Supernatural Lifestyle.
Joel has written more than 100 books with others and under his own name. Ana Maria started the Westlake International House of Prayer which is central to The Company’s identity and ministry. Their five children, ages 13 to 22, are part of revival communities in China, Colorado Springs, Redding, Biola University and Westlake Village.
If you are passionate about ministering to the Lord and deepening your friendship with God, join The Company on Wednesdays and Sundays as God builds a revival community. Email questions@company.church for more information, and enjoy our podcast.